The Secret To High Converting Lead Magnets

The Secret to High-Converting Funnels: The "Quick Win"

It all comes down to one specific thing and even if they do convert and you’re missing this, you can almost guarantee they will never buy anything from you again, and they might even ask for a refund!

Missing this is by far the single biggest flaw I see in tripwires and lead magnets with new clients when I’m building funnels.

It’s called a “Quick Win”.

It should be pretty self-explanatory, but it all boils down to the feeling someone has when they actually accomplish something. Maybe it showed them how to avoid a pain point, or it could have showed them how to close a new client or a smaller piece of their overall goal. At the end of the day, your lead magnet and tripwire offers are stepping stones in your customer journey, so naturally they all need to make sense together, and contribute to bringing your customer to their desired end result.

Let’s look at an example. Let’s say you teach people to become professional makeup artists. Your audience’s end goal would be to become a professional makeup artist and either get hired as one, or start their own business.

Now, bear with me a bit here because I know absolutely nothing about makeup!

So let’s start with the end in mind here. Let’s say your core offer is your Online course that teaches them to be professional makeup artists right?

Well, a great tripwire is a splinter of your core offer.

For an online course, I like to use one of the modules that you’ve pulled out of the course. This gives them a taste of what the course is like, gives them a quick win by teaching them a new skill that moves them closer to their goal of being a professional makeup artist, and it allows you to test multiple different tripwires using different modules.

The best part is, you either already have it created or you need to at some point anyways.

I will say, if you’re going this route, pony up, don’t cop out by using your introduction module. The whole point is to give them that quick win, okay, so choose a module where you actually teach them something.

Now, let’s splinter that back one more step to find a good lead magnet. In this case, it could be a guide to selecting the right brushes for specific situations. Or maybe it’s one of the resources that you give away in your course.

Either way, you can see how each step moves them closer to their end goal, while delivering value in that “Quick Win” as they go.

Nothing is worse than downloading someone’s lead magnet to find out that they barely deliver on 10% of what they said their lead magnet was. You can tell that they are more concerned with getting your information, than they are with helping you or providing any type of value. When that happens it just feels gross, it’s like you’re being used.

When you give someone a quick win, you’re building trust with them that you can actually do what you say and know what you’re talking about. Once you break that trust, it’s next to impossible to earn it back, especially in today’s online world with all of the scams and shady businesses out there.

This is so crucial when it comes time to pitch your core offer whether it’s a product or a service.

If they feel like they’ve been burnt on a lead magnet, they definitely aren’t going to fork over any money to you.

This is even more amplified when it gets to your tripwire offers. There’s no worse feeling than paying someone your hard-earned money, only to be disappointed that what you paid for won’t actually help you accomplish anything of substance. Especially when they promised that it would do XYZ.

So when you’re all pumped up about building out your next funnel, and you decide that you need a lead magnet or a tripwire, don’t make the mistake of throwing one together just to check that box off your launch list.

Take a step back, take your time, and really think about how you can help them with a quick win at each step of your funnel. Trust me, you’ll thank me when you see the difference it makes in your conversions.

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